Thursday, December 6, 2012

Twilight - The Cullen's House

I don’t know how many of you have seen the movie Twilight. It is actually, a love story between a vampire (Edward Cullen) and a human (Isabella Swan). The movie had people swooning over for a lot of different reasons. Being a big fan of Twilight, i would like to show you  the elegant building in the movie here. As part of the review of the movie story, i will not talking here. However, I welcome those who want to discuss about that show here, feel free to write to me.

Let talk more about the house here:
The House is architect by Jeff Kovel via ‘Skylab Architecture’, built by Metcalf Construction, with Lucy Metcalf as the interior designer and landscaper. The house is being designed in 2006, and completed construction in 2007. Jeff Kovel designed an additional residence next door that will begin construction once the movie start. The big of the house is 4300 squares.

The Twilight house sports a dreamy look with glass doors and excellent forest views, let me show you some pictures. I will close my history book here as I have already bored you now :(

Here the random picture i get from many sources, enjoy...

Edward Cullen: “What did you expect? Coffins, and dungeons and moats?”
Bella: “Um..not the moats.”

 It's not the vampire kids, i guess they are Hook's children

So, how is it? Amazing right? I never feel bored seeing this perfect innovation. It's really a good finding.
Have you watch the movie yet? I have watched the movie again and again same thing as i am reading its book. I never ever feel bored. After the show is popular they began to separate between Jacob team and Edward team. As for me, i always be Edward team. How about you?

Innovation Of Recycle Item

What will you do with empty coca cola can? And how about an empty candy box?
Yes, true enough . You and me are the same creature who will throw that into a rubbish bin.

Generally beverage cans would just run into the garbage which will then be collected by a recycling company to be destroyed. But in the hands of a Japanese artist, former Canned which no value is converted into a beautiful work of art.

Japan is known as a country full of innovation and creative. Nothing to surprise if Japanese are able to make things that are unexpected. Just like Macaon (the person who made this) capable of transforming beverage cans into a comic statue.

This man made ​​comic characters such as Buzz Lightyear and Woody from Toy Story, Decepticon from Transformers, Star Wars mask villain Darth Vader and Super Mario. 

Cool? So will you throw your empty can into rubbish bin anymore? I still will do that because i am not so creativity and have so much free time doing all this thing. Hahaha :D

So what an unique item that i will show next? Hm, let's wait and see for my next post...
Hope you guys enjoy so far. Do i bored you so far?